Techno Habits Nicosia Welcomes Sam Paganini.
We were never afraid to dream big and we were never scared to do. We always dare. We keep on dreaming and we keep on doing.
On the 23rd of December, the Italian Superstar Sam Paganini, will make his way to the Country’s Capital for an intense and unique musical adventure, that promises to take us on a multidimensional journey between time and space.
Unite with us to enthusiastically embrace Sam Paganini’s melodies and let’s come together to RAVE.
Alongside Sam Paganini, our Resident DJs Paul Angelo & Don Argento and Jonathan Reyes.
Let us shape the future.
See you on the dancefloor 🖤
Friday, 23rd of December @
State Night Club Nicosia
Infoline: 7000 0420
€30 for Reservations (Infoline for Reservations: 222 55 111)
€35 (inc. 1 drink) for Non-Reservations
(Limited number available via Resident Advisor – Hard Copies also available with no additional fee)